Message: I am looking to replace my entire unit and need a cost. I did not find it on you site. 200710170046 MS1500 VPSMS1500DCAH
Dated on : 01-27-2013
Replies :
Dear Scott, The spa system that is presently in your hot tub was privately labeled for the mfg (masterspas) It is still a balboa spa pack, but the PN you have provided (MS1500 = masterspas 1500) confirms that the model presently in your is a privately labeled spa pack. We can provide you with a replacement, but will need to ask a few quick questions. How many pumps are presently in your spa? If more than 1, then how many speeds are each pump? 1 speed or 2 speed? Also, how many buttons are presently on your hot tub controller. With these 2 pieces of information, I can provide the appropriate replacement spa pack. Sincerely Peter Moroz Office Manager Northern Lights Group
Post By : Peter Moroz Dated On : 01-28-2013
Attached is a photo of the control buttons. The Manufacture is Down East Spas. There are two jets, 1 and 2. A light button, mode, warm and cold buttons. 6 in all total. There is only one speed for the two pumps, on and off. Thank you for the response.
Click to see attachment
Post By : Scott Allen Dated On : 01-28-2013
Dear Scott, We apologize for the delayed response. We have had some issues with customer replies not showing up in our email mailbox The model that is best suited is the Balboa VS520 spa pack. Here is a link to the retrofit kit that includes a new controller, pump cables, light kit. and installation instructions. h Sincerely Peter Moroz Office Manager Northern Lights Group SincerelySin
Post By : Peter Moroz Dated On : 02-12-2013