Hot Tub Pump Questionby Admin
Apr 2014

Message: RE: Pump / Tub purchased 7.10.2011 Your Invoice No. 8671.

Good morning!.....I love my Ofuro tub!!!! In the last 48 hours, however, the pump is running 24/7....not shutting down, not cycling as it normally does. No settings were changed. The heater is functioning, holding at 104ª. Help! I'd like to help it out by not working so hard. What to do????   Many Thanks! Gari

Dated on : 03-12-2013

Replies :


Gari, Let's try the simple thing 1st, a memory reset.  It involves the two J43 jumper pins, located above and to the right of the dip switch bank, on the circuit board.  Turn off the power, move the little black jumper so it is reseated across both pins.  Turn on power and wait until Pr appears.  Turn off power and reset jumper to be on 1 pin again.  Memory has now been reset. See if this fixed it.  Memory reset set settings back to factory default. If this doesn't fix it, get back to me for further testing. Dieter

Post By : Dieter Jung Dated On : 03-12-2013


It is on the circuit board of the the controller that is near the pump, that has all the cables going to it, the Balboa VS501Z spa pack.   Dieter

Post By : Dieter Jung Dated On : 03-13-2013


Gari, One more check and that is the filter cycle setting.  Although it should be on F2,  since you performed a memory reset, it is acting as it is on FC.  If it is on FC see if you can change it to F2.  If it is on F2 then I would have to conclude the pump relay on the circuit board is stuck closed and in that case the circuit board needs to be replaced.  For this to be done under warranty I initially need the following from you. Invoice #, Serial # of circuit board, address and phone #. Warranty replacement requires you to ship circuit board back to Balboa.  I will send you shipping info once I have the above info. Then once I get a tracking # for this, we will ship the replacement.  For warranty I need to do the transaction by regular email, not through this application, so send the above to my email and copy this last thread. email is: [email protected] Dieter

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Post By : Dieter Jung Dated On : 03-18-2013

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