Recessing hot tub in the groundby Admin
Jun 2014

Message: Hi - Can your 8 person tub be recessed into the ground?  If so, where does the pump and heater go and how far away can the pump and heater be from the hot tub?  Thanks. Barry

Dated on : 05-02-2013

Replies :


Yes it can.  However you need to make the pit wide enough to give you working/mainenance room.  The pit needs to be designed so it won't fill up with water when it rains.  The equipment is either located next to the tub, which requires a further recangular area to be cut.  Or you can locate it elsewhere, up to 30ft away is usually no problem.  It is best to locate the equipment at the same elevation or lower than the base of the tub.  Higher than the base can create draing and air lock problems. Dieter Technical Support

Post By : Dieter Jung Dated On : 05-03-2013

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